MTA BIBLE - Evangeliscm, Discipleship, Training, Equipping, Leading, Multiplying

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The Day The Atheist Stopped By

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Three Things God Can't Do (Three Doors)

What's With The Dinosaur Tracks?

Face Painting

Using Illusions




The Day The Atheist Stopped ByThe Day The Atheist
Stopped By

A Christian answers questions from an atheist.

This is an 11-page article that we often make available in our booth. At times we'll see people come back to the booth and take a copy when they think no one is looking.

A Christian and an atheist agree to answer each other's questions, with the "dialog" to be published in an atheist publication. This is a reprint of the resulting article.

The Christian does an excellent job of answering the athiest's questions in a very loving and Biblical manner. This is an excellent article to give to atheists and other non-belivers.

You may read this article online. It may also be printed and freely given away.

Click here to read and print the article.
(The article is a PDF document. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.)


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