MTA BIBLE - Evangeliscm, Discipleship, Training, Equipping, Leading, Multiplying

Evangelism Booth Info

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What Is The Gospel?

Using Gospel Tracts

Sharing Your Testimony

Prayer Team

Books, DVDS & Handouts

The Day The Atheist Stopped By

Attracting People
To The Booth

Booth Banners

Three Things God Can't Do (Three Doors)

What's With The Dinosaur Tracks?

Face Painting

Using Illusions



Evangelism Booth

Sharing Your Testimony

Share your testimony when you feel that the person you are talking with will relate to what has happened in your life.

A testimony used for evangelism should have three parts.

The way you were before you became a Christian: share enough about what you were like so that the person you are talking with can related to who you were and feel, "Yeh, I'm just like that."

What happened: tell what God did to save you. Remember to include the gospel in this part of your testimony. That's why we are here. To tell people about the free gift of Jesus' death.

The way you are now: share just enough about your new life such the person you are talking with can see you've changed.

Remember, your testimony is not about you, it is about God and what God has done in your life.

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