Above: Haeckle's 1874 drawing showing
the descent of man based on Darwin's theory of evolution
Below: Physics and radiohalos
evidence of a young earth.
14 video lessons about Biblical creation:
01 - Evolution
- The Grand Experiment #1
02 - Evolution
- The Grand Experiment #2
03 - Evolution
- The Grand Experiment #3
04 - Elements of Our Skin (Biology)
05 - Elements of Our Hair (Biology)
06 - The Breath Of Life -
Lungs & Blood #1 (Biology)
07 - The Breath of Life
- Lungs & Blood #2 (Biology)
08 - Age of the Earth - The R.A.T.E.
Study (Physics)
09 - Age of the Earth - Helium
Dating (Physics)
10 - Age of the Earth -
Radiohalos (Physics)
11 - Age of the Earth - Summary
12 - Geological
Evidence For The Flood #1 (Geology)
13 - Geological
Evidence For The Flood #2 (Geology)
14 -
Geological Evidence For The Flood #3 (Geology)
"I believe that the more thoroughly science is studied,
the further does it take us from anything comparable to atheism."
- Lord Kelvin - laid the foundations of thermodynamics including
the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.