Gospel Tracts

Gospel Tracts Home
(George Street Video)

Million Dollar Bill

Million Dollar Bill

Good Person Tract

Good Person Tract

Comic Book Tract

Comic Book Tract

Curved Optical Illusion (English)

Curved Optical Illusion (Spanish)

Hey Kids!
(Small Booklet)



Gospel TractsGospel Tracts

We use a variety of gospel tracts. These pages show some of the more common ones. You'll be able to read the tract and familiarize yourself with what it says.

The purpose of these pages is to give you a opportunity to become familiar with these tracts. Each page has the complete text that is on the tract.

Gospel tracts are used in a variety of ways. They present the gospel to peole who may not have wanted to take the time to talk with you. They serve as ice breakers to open the door to a conversation. The attract attention -- some people will even chase after you and ask for one of these. And they help you, and the people you are talking with, have fun and have a good time sharing the gospel.

The video below is called "George Street." It tells a true story showing how effective gospel tracts can be.

George Street