MTA BIBLE - Evangeliscm, Discipleship, Training, Equipping, Leading, Multiplying

Evangelism Booth Info

MTA Bible Home

Doctrinal Agreement

Booth Home Page:
Introduction To The
Evangelism Booth

What should I wear?

What should I bring?

Booth Etiquette

Tough Questions

Our Booth QR Code

Booth Activities:
What Is The Gospel?

Using Gospel Tracts

Sharing Your Testimony

Prayer Team

Books, DVDS & Handouts

The Day The Atheist Stopped By

Attracting People
To The Booth

Booth Banners

Three Things God Can't Do (Three Doors)

What's With The Dinosaur Tracks?

Face Painting

Using Illusions



Outreach Booth Banners 5-8

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Banner #5

We use this banner when we are doing the good person test -- taking people through the Ten Commandments and then the grace of God.

The tract we most commonly use with this banner is the "Are You A Good Person?" comic book tract.

MTA Evangelism Banners

Banner #6

Good news for all!


MTA Evangelism Banners

Banner #7

Can you trust your eyes?

The "test" used with this banner is the curved optical illusion tract.

MTA Evangelism BannersBanner #8

This banner is used when we have a display of dinosaur tracks (real dinosaur footprints)..

Read about using dinosaur tracks for evangelism (click here).




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